Monday, October 27, 2008

Pre-Cal Survey

Click Here to take survey

Pleaaase, if you haven't taken the survey yet, then do so now!! My life depends on it!! (Or at least, my sanity, what little I have...)

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Resources in SS

It's interesting about how anything can be made into some deep and thoughtful simply by really looking at it and considering it. Those psychogeographers could drift into the trashiest part of a city and still find something undiscovered. Or, they could wander into the most visited public area in the world and still notice something unseen by others.

I could walk into a classroom that I've been in for the entire year, and notice a certain crack in the wall that I never saw before, a crack that could symbolize...anything. :D

Site Specific Performances
This piece of writing makes me wonder about the sites I've been, and how that might work as a theatre, how they might convey a certain feel or idea. It's an interesting point, that sites have moods or histories, that they can make a conveyed idea more solid, or a movement that much more meaningful.

So, a rooftop with white billowing sheets 'drying' in the wind could be a site for an incredible dance performance, with dancers flowing in and out of sight amidst the sheets. Or, a performance on youth could be done on a typical playground area, in which the performers act out a child's day on the swings, or monkey bars, or slides, etc.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

E.O. Wilson and Ishmael

I find it interesting how E.O. Wilson and Ishmael have such a similar message. Ishmael teaches us that the law of life is that we eat/kill what we need, not for a 'pre-emptive strike' against, say, lions. We kill that which is not what we see as the immediate need for our survival.

So, for example, we kill off the annoying mosquitoes who bite and annoy us, the mosquitoes that do not aid us in our immediate need for survival. However, due to their extinction, the animals such as oh...perhaps fish fry who feed on the mosquito larvae die due to starvation. The fish fry, who grow to become fish that we eat, die out. All the other animals that feed on fish, such as falcons, bears, etc, die out due to the decrease in food supply.

Just by killing off a single species of tiny insects, we cause harm to the entire environment. And that, unfortunately is an incredibly quick, shallow view at what could happen if we wiped out a single species.

Now, Ishmael tells us that we Takers, guided by Mother Culture, are waging war on the planet, on anything that does not obey us (which is pretty much everything.) E.O Wilson aptly describes as a juggernaut. A juggernaut is a great, tremendous force; however, it is comparable to a tank. Though it 'conquers' what we desire to be conquered, its tracks leave deep imprints upon the earth, running over anything not directly related to its goal.

And indeed, that is what we humans do. We crush our 'opposition' through sheer brute force without consideration towards what we defeat. We have a great many species on our planet, but we are fast destroying them, at an acceleration comparable to that of gravity, as Ishmael noted, 9.8m/s.

Unless we realize this and try to stop breaking the law of life, that we kill only that which was set to kill, like a lion and its herd of antelope, we will continue to destroy our existence and our earth at the rate of 9/8m/s no matter how hard we 'flap our wings'.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Reflexión en Español

En el proyecto de la cancion, aprendo muchos vocabularios como 'conejos' y 'gotíco'. También
aprendo las palabras 'milla' y 'incontable'. Practico mi vocabulario en esta projecto, porque haciendo la letra se necessita muchas palabras. También, practico mi gramática porque el mismo razón.

Me gusta a hacer la letra de la cancion. Tambien me gusta a cantar la cancion con mis compañeros. El proyecto era un poco difícil porque no teniamos tiempo para trabajar afuera de clases.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Laws on Civilization

I personally disagree with Ishmael. Perhaps it is 'Mother Culture' whispering in my ear again, and he may bring up something absolutely world-shattering in the next chapter that will shatter my ignorant notions of civilization being an abstract idea. However, I just can't help but feel that there isn't really a LAW of how people, animals act. Alright, yes, you have hunger, self-preservation, etc, but we feel. We hope, we desire, we dream of such varied things, that it's hardly comparable to a rock falling due to the LAW of gravity.

Sorry, this is short, but there's no real explaining this reasoning. Perhaps it's like he said. There is a wall in our minds, the wall constructed by Mother Culture, and I simply cannot bring myself to clamber over it until he himself shoves me up and over.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

The world was made for ME! DUH~~~

Everything in the world was made for lovebirds, OBVIOUSLY. Do you see such gorgeous plumage on any other bird? Forget macaws, they're like awkward imitations of us! So big and ugly...They may LOOK like us, but they fail miserably in the looks department. And as for hummingbirds...well, I'll get into that later.

Skeptical at the greatness of lovebirds? Look at the gifts given to us! Strong, powerful beaks, capable of getting any pesky intruder away from our turf (which is, obviously, the WORLD. It's our world, chicky, remember that!) Extremely good hearing, so we can pick up any delusional fool who thinks they're actually SUPERIOR to a lovebird. And our feet!

Hoo boy, just look at 'em! Capable of grabbing things and bringing them to our multi-purpose mouth, it's like God planned it that way! (which He did, because he wanted us to be the epitome of perfection.) They let us hang onto anything with a crack, since our very nice talons can cling onto almost any surface.

And then there's our looks! Oh, those silly hairless things THINK they're our owner, but WHO'S the one with the big eyes and cute bod? That's right. Lovebirds. Chicky, all we need to do is waddle a little, fluff our head-feathers and they come falling to their KNEES to feed us. Humans are our SLAVES, kinda like dogs are the humans' slaves. They snap a command and the dog fetches the stick for them, which is obviously a talent they don't have. However, when a LOVEBIRD squawks a command, the human goes running to get us food.

See the difference? Dog gets human icky, inedible stick. Human get us yummy food and is our pillow. Who's the big boy now??~~ (:>


Even if they think of disobeying...Well....Look who's got the super-beak? *Snap!*

We've got looks! We got beak! We got feet! And....

We're lovebirds. DUH. Love = Something super cool, because God just loves us that much to make us that way. Bird = Super smart creatures with the God-given talent of flying! (Ignore bats. I've never seen one. They don't exist.)

Love + Bird = Us! The dominant species of this planet!



O.O Fear the uber-cute eyes.