Tuesday, March 18, 2008

What Do I Know About Newton?...

He's nuts. I remember there was something about watching apples and realizing some great, incredible laws about...something(Physics, I think), but I also remember the strange anecdotes in our previous textbook.
Apparently, this guy stuck a needle into his eye and wiggled it around, just to see the effects. (He did not become blind, by the way...) Also, I remember a story in which he stared at the Sun for a very long time, again, just for curiosity's sake. (Again, he did NOT become blind...Despite the bizarre abuse it had gone through) It's odd, how the 'brilliant' guys are not so brilliant at times.
Maybe it's bad that I only remember these odd stories, but hey, I think it's odd that people worship him for a single moment of inspiration when he was obviously (in my opinion) a very weird guy.

1 comment:

Mr. Loken said...

Very weird? It is interesting that of all the amazing things he did, it's these strange stories that get passed on and remembered. I'll teach you some more important facts about him.