Saturday, February 14, 2009


The movie Baraka was filled with both wondrous and disturbing things. The way they fixed the camera on an unchanging landscape and had the film speed up drastically made the viewer feel the enduring beauty and power of the earth. The same tactic used on a city scene was almost unnerving as the humans scurried around like ants on crack.

Still, there was a similar feeling as, no matter how chaotic the humans became, the city was still the same. It may be a different human, a different destination, but when everything was sped up, everyone melted into everyone else and the entire scene became just as unchanging as the landscape. The humans were like the shifting clouds in the landscape; they moved quickly, yet in a sense, nothing moved at all.

However, there was a scene in which the editors showed a man screaming, as if to protest the insanity of the what we call 'civilization.'

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